Press Clips
December 2011
- Computer Sweden (30 December): 10 i topp – det här blir allra hetast, Jonnie Wistrand and Joel Åsblom, W3C, HTML5 (in Swedish)
- Le Monde (14 December): Apple et la presse, pas si compatibles, HTML5, mobile Web apps (in French)
- HTML Goodies (14 December): An Overview of the W3C HTML5 Document Outliner Algorithm, Robert Gravelle, W3C, HTML5
- Golem (14 December):Interview Zynga“HTML5 ist nicht für Spiele gemacht worden”, W3C, HTML5, HTML5 games (in German)
- The Register (14 December): Newfangled graphics engine for browsers fosters data theft, Dan Goodin, W3C, SVG, CSS Shaders
- MacGeneration (12 December): Flash : pourquoi il faut encore vous y faire, Arnauld de La Grandière, W3C, HTTP, Media Capture API, Audio Data API, Web Audio API, HTML5 (in French)
- ReadWriteWeb (6 December): Top 6 Trends In HTML5 In 2011, Dan Rowinski, HTML5, CSS3
- Mozilla Hacks (1 December): Paving the way for open games on the Web with the Gamepad and Mouse Lock APIs, Rob Hawkes, HTML5, Gamepad API, W3C, Mouse Lock API
November 2011
- Wired News (29 November): WAI-ARIA Gets Ready for a Starring Role in HTML5, Scott Gilbertson, W3C, WAI-ARIA, HTML5
- ConceivablyTech (28 November): Chrome First To Get Much Anticipated Gamepad API, Wolfgang Gruener, W3C, WebRTC, Joystick AP, Gamepad API
- Faz.net (28 November): Wie vom Flash getroffen, Peter Welchering, W3C, HTML5 (in German)
- MaxiSciences (28 November): Chrome adoptera Gamepad et WebRTC début 2012, W3C, WebRTC, Gamepad API (in French)
- Notebook Italia (27 November): Chrome: GamePad e WebRTC nel 2012, Laura Benedetti, W3C, WebRTC, Gamepad API (in Italian)
- AntyWeb (25 November): Google zdradza plany dotyczące rozwoju Chrome w 2012 roku, Michał Majchrzycki, W3C, WebRTC, Gamepad API (in Polish)
- Clubic (25 November): Chrome : Gamepad & WebRTC débarqueront début 2012, Guillaume Belfiore, W3C, Gamepad API, Web Sockets, WebRTC (in French)
- digi.no (25 November): Google Chrome skal bli mye mer spillvennlig, Harald Brombach, W3C, WebRTC, Gamepad API (in Norvegian)
- Tom’s Hardware (24 November): On pourra jouer dans son navigateur avec des manettes, Matthieu Amelot, W3C, Gamepad API (in French)
- Clubic (24 November): La manette de jeu prochainement prise en charge par le navigateur, Guillaume Belfiore, W3C, Gamepad API, HTML5 (in French)
- Journal du Net Développeurs (24 November): Interview: Michael Chaize (Adobe) “HTML5 ne va pas remplacer Flash”, Antoine Crochet-Damais, W3C, HTML5 (in French)
- Edge (24 November): Google Chrome to add gamepad support, W3C, gamepad, WebRTC, HTML5, Augmented Reality
- Codrops (24 November): Top 10 Reasons to Use HTML5 Right Now, Patrick Cox, W3C, HTML5
- Blog – The vine (16 November): Invention of Pokies and Slots, Tasha, W3C, HTML5 games
- The Wall Street Journal (11 November): HTML5: A Look Behind the Technology Changing the Web, Donn Clark, W3C, HTML5, HTML5 games
- The Wall Street Journal (11 November): HTML5 Is Popular, Still Unfinished, Donn Clark, W3C, HTML5, HTML5 games
- CNet (10 November): Flash aussi abandonné sur les TV connectées, W3C, TV, HTML5 (in French)
- Le MagIT (10 November): Adobe sonne la transformation vers le cloud, Cyrille Chausson, W3C, HTML5, multiple devices (in French)
- PCMag (9 November): No Flash Forwarding to HTML5, Michael Muchmore, W3C, HTML5
- CBSNews Tech (9 November): Flash: Down, but not dead – yet, Stephen Shanklan, W3C, HTML5
- Chip (9 November): Cinci lucruri pe care ar trebui să le știți despre HTML5, Catalina Zorojanu, W3C, HTML5, Audio&Video (in Romanian)
- .net (7 November): W3C restores “time” element to HTML5, Craig Grannell, W3C, HTML5, <time>
- Wired News(4 November):W3C Adds Time Element Back to HTML5, Scott Gilbertson, W3C, HTML5, <time>
- Information Week (2 November): Zynga Releases Jukebox Audio Library For Web Games, Thomas Claburn, W3C, HTML5, Games, Games Community Group
October 2011
- Tom’s Hardware (31 October): WebRTC Now Available as W3C Draft, Douglas Perry, W3C, WebRTC, Stream API
- Heise (3 October): W3C will dem Browser Augen und Ohren geben, W3C, WebRTC (in German)
- The Economist (28 October): Difference Engine: Re-inventing the web, N.V., W3C, HTML5, audio&video, games, Tim Berners-Lee
- ReadWriteWeb (27 October): How Deep is Amazon’s Love for HTML5 in Kindle Format 8?, Scott M. Fulton, W3C, HTML5, CSS
- WebTimeMedias (14 October): W3C : une formation ligne sur “HTML5 audio et vidéo, Jean-Pierre Larguillet, W3C, Online Training, HTML5 Audio and Video (in French)
- ComputerWorldUK [Blog] (11 October): The BBC does a U-turn on HTML 5, Dharmesh Mistry, W3C, HTML5
- Learnhtml5gamedev.com (7 October): Upcoming HTML5 Game Development Online Course From the W3C, Stefan, W3C, HTML5
September 2011
- CMSWire (28 September 2011): W3Conf: A Practical Standards for Web Professionals Conference, Chelsi Nakano, W3C, HTML5, Open Web Platform
- Clubic (8 September): TV connectée : Opera propose son framework HTML5, Guillaume Belfiore, W3C, HTML5, Web & TV, CSS3, SVG, Video, Canvas (in French)
August 2011
- ConceivablyTech (27 August): Google Is Preparing Chrome To Become A Game Platform, Wolfgang Gruener, W3C, HTML5
- ReadWriteWeb (22 August): The State of HTML5 Validation According to Tristan Louis, David Strom, W3C, HTML5
- CNet (16 August): W3C works to speed Web standard creation, Stephen Shankland, W3C, HTML5, CSS, SVG
- ReadWriteWeb (12 August): Progress on HTML5 Microdata Could Revolutionize Web Queries, Scott M. Fulton, W3C, HTML5
- Econsultancy (11 August): Front-end developers get a guide to the HTML5 spec, Patricio Robles, W3C, HTML5
- WebMonkey (10 August): W3C Publishes an HTML5 Spec for Web Developers, W3C, HTML5
- WebMonkey (10 August): The Difference Between the WHATWG and the HTMLWG, W3C, HTML5
- GLGroup (6 August): HTML5 – Disruptive Technology or Next Evolution of the Web?, William Stueber, W3C, HTML5, CSS
- ComputerWorld (5 August): Hands on: Geolocation using HTML5, Klaus Forster and Bernd Oggl, W3C, HTML5, Geolocation
- NouvelObs.com (3 August): A la découverte du HTML5, Boris Manenti, W3C, HTML5 (in French)
- MrWebmaster (3 August): Troppe vulnerabilità per HTML5, W3C, HTML5 (in Italian)
- Tom’sHardware.it (3 August): HTML 5 ha problemi di sicurezza, ma si sapeva, Dario d’Elia, W3C, HTML5 (in Italian)
- DataNews (3 August): KU Leuven licht W3C-standaarden door, Guy Kindermans, W3C, HTML5, Geolocation (in Dutch)
- DataNews (3 August): La KU Leuven passe les standards W3C au peigne fin, Guy Kindermans, W3C, HTML5, Geolocation (in French)
- PuntoInformatico (3 August): ENISA: HTML5 non è sicuro, Alfonso Maruccia, W3C, HTML5 (in Italian)
- ZDNet.de (3 August): Enisa: Webstandards des W3C sind ein Sicherheitsrisiko, Tom Espiner und Bernd Kling, W3C, HTML5 (in German)
- ITEspresso.de (3 August): Sicherheit: EU warnt vor 50 Schwachstellen in Webstandards, Ralf Müller, W3C, HTML5 (in German)
- Numerama (2 August): HTML5 : l’agence européenne de cyber-sécurité repère 50 failles, Julien L., W3C, HTML5 (in French)
- LinuxFR (2 August): Internet Vers la fin du Flash ? L’interopérabilité serait-elle vainqueur ?, Pierre Jarillon, W3C, HTML5 (in French)
- ITProPortal (2 August): ENISA Highlights Flaws in New W3C Web Standards Including HTML 5, Ravi Mandalia, W3C, HTML5
- LeMondeInformatique (2 August): 51 problèmes de sécurité relevés par l’Enisa sur HTML5, W3C, HTML5 (in French)
- IBTimes (1 August): Adobe Edge Dives Into iPad and iPhones ‘No Flash’ Platform, W3C, HTML5, CSS3
- PCWorld (1 August): European Security Group Issues Warning on HTML5, Jeremy Kirk, W3C, HTML5
July 2011
- IDG (25 July): Typografi i harmoni på webben, Karl Wångstedt, W3C, HTML, CSS (in Swedish)
- Reuters (22 July): The HTML5 boom is coming. Fast., Colleen Taylor, W3C, HTML5
- CIO (11 July): W3C Chastises Apple on HTML5 Patenting, Joab Jackson, W3C, HTML5
- CIO (11 July): 10 Apps Pushing HTML5 to the Limit, Peter Wayner, HTML5
- Sys-Con (10 July): HTML5 – What I am Learning, Kevin Benedict, W3C, mobile apps, HTML5
- No Jitter (6 July): Making Every Desktop a Phone, Dave Michels, W3C, WebRTC, HTML5
- PanArmenian (6 July): Future technologies should rely on open web standards, W3C, HTML5, Web and TV
- SG.hu (1 July): A HTML5 jelenti a jövőt?, Pentek, W3C, HTML5 (in Hungarian)
June 2011
- smh.com.au (27 June): Why the web needs HTML5, Samantha , W3C, HTML5, CSS, Tim Berners-Lee
- DevProConnections (27 June): The Past, Present, and Future of HTML5, Michael Palermo and Daniel Egan, W3C, HTML5
- ConceivablyTech (17 June): Chrome First To Integrate WebRTC, Daniel Bailey, W3C, Web RTC
- KyivPost (15 June): The Web’s big future, Greg Satell, mobile apps, W3C, HTML5, CSS3, Tim Berners-Lee
- Invest in Cote d’Azur (14 June): Le W3C invite à une révision d’envergure de HTML5, W3C, Open Web Platform, HTML5 Last Call, CSS, SVG, WOFF, Philippe Le Hégaret (in French)
- ConceivablyTech (12 June): Browser Shootout: The Best For HTML5, Daniel Bailey, W3C, HTML5
- PCWorld (8 June): A Decade Later, W3C Finalizes CSS 2.1, Joab Jackson, W3C, CSS 2.1, CSS Working Group, CSS Color Module Leve, Ian Jacobs, Philippe Le Hégaret
- Social Barrel (3 June): Google Releases Real-time Video Chat Source Code, FRancis Rey, W3C, WebRTC
- GCN (1 June): Last call for HTML5 testing, comments, Kurt Mackie, W3C, HTML5 LC, HTML5 FAQ
- HTML Goodies (1 June): W3C Puts HTML5 Specification Up for Comments, W3C, HTML5 LC, Tim Berners-Lee
May 2011
- Le Journal du Net (31 May): HTML5 : dernier appel avant la recommandation du W3C, Antoine Crochet-Damais, W3C, HTML5 (in French)
- ZDNet.co.uk (31 May): W3C declares HTML 5 at ‘last call’ status, Stephen Shankland, W3C, HTML LC, Tim Berners-Lee
- SD Times (27 May): W3C Invites Broad Review of HTML5, W3C, HTML5, Philippe Le Hégaret
- CNET (27 May): W3C officially opens HTML5 to scrutiny, Stephen Shankland, W3C, HTML5, DOM, CSS, Tim Berners-Lee
- ReadWriteWeb (26 May): 5 Killer Sessions You Don’t Want to Miss at the 2WAY Summit, Richaud MacManus, W3C, HTML5
- InfoWorld (26 May): W3C seeks feedback on HTML5, Paul Krill, W3C, HTML5, CSS, SVG, WOFF, Philippe Le Hégaret, Tim Berners-Lee
- 01net (24 May): HTML5 : dernière ligne droite avant la finale, Pierre Tran, W3C, HTML5 Last Call, CSS, WebApps, SVG, Web Performance, Geolocation (in French)
- Generation NT (23 May); Les gouvernements du G8 invités à adopter une approche multipartite pour débattre des questions liées à l’Internet, W3C, Open Web Platform, Jeff Jaff (in French)
- Benziga (23 May): G8 Governments Urged to Embrace Multistakeholder Approach to Internet Issues, W3C, Open Web Platform, Jeff Jaff
- El Mundo (21 May): ‘En una sociedad democrática, los datos del Gobierno pertenecen a los ciudadanos’, Pablo Romero, W3C, HTML5, Web&TV, Jeff Jaffe (in Spanish)
- Numerama (12 May): Le W3C se penche sur un standard P2P dans les navigateurs , W3C, HTML5, Web Real-Time Communications Working Group (in French)
- J. Boye (13 May): HTML5: The upcoming technology for the web, Peter Sejersen, W3C, HTML5, HTML, CSS3, Philippe Le Hégaret
- ITRManager (10 May): Trente-neuf organisations ont rejoint le W3C en douze mois, W3C, HTML5, Jeff Jaffe (in French)
- TheInquirer.es (10 May): El World Wide Web Consortium acepta a 35 nuevos miembros, W3C, HTML5, Jeff Jaffe (in Spanish)
- ZDNet.de (10 May): World Wide Web Consortium zählt 35 neue Mitglieder , Stephen Shankland, Anita Klingler, W3C, HTML5, CSS3, SVG, WOFF, Jeff Jaffe (in German)
- CNET (10 May): W3C: new members extend Web standards work , Stephen Shankland, W3C, HTML5, Jeff Jaffe
- Digital Trends (9 May): W3C to develop peer-to-peer tech for browsers, Geoff Duncan, W3C, Web Real-Time Communications Working Group
- ItaliaSW (9 May): Nuove API offriranno la comunicazione da Browser a Browser, Alessio, W3C, RTC (in Italian)
- Clubic (9 May): W3C : bientôt un standard pour le peer-to-peer, Guillaume Belfiore, W3C, RTC
- ZDNet.de (9 May): W3C entwickelt Peer-to-Peer-Standard für Browser, Tom Espiner and Stefan Beiersmann, W3C, RTC (in German)
- La Voz Noticias (9 May): Un nuevo estándar de Web descentralizado está siendo desarrollado por el W3C, W3C, RTC, 3D, Augmented Reality (in Spanish)
- I Programmer (9 May): Can my browser speak to your browser?, Harry Fairhead, W3C, HTML5, Web Real-Time Communications WG
- CMS Wire (9 May): W3C Moves Its Web of Standards Forward, Josette Rigsby, W3C, HTML5, Web Real-Time Communications, Device APIs & Policy WG, Touch Events, Web Services Resource Access , SOAP
- Developpez.com (9 May): W3C : nouveau standard de communication en Peer-to-peer entre navigateurs, W3C, Web Real-Time Communications Working Group (in French)
- Siteua.org (7 May): W3C против правительственных интернет-блокировок, W3C, RTC (in Russian)
- Newsland (7 May): Браузеры получат аудио- и видеочаты в реальном времени, W3C, RTC (in Russian)
- ZDNet UK (6 May): W3C to develop peer-to-peer browser standards, Tom Espiner, W3C, Web Real-Time Communications Working Group
- ReadWriteWeb (5 May): This Could be Big: Decentralized Web Standard Under Development by W3C, Marshall Kirkpatrick, W3C, Web Real-Time Communications Working Group
April 2011
- V3.co.uk (28 April): HTML5 web apps to replace native applications, Daniel Robinson, W3C, HTML5
- V3.co.uk (27 April): HTML5 code could replace Windows applications, Daniel Robinson, W3C, HTML5
- ITPro (19 April): HTML5 standards deadline set for 24 May, W3C, HTML5
- ITexpresso (14 April): Mix’11 : Internet Explorer 10 encore plus respectueux du HTML5 et des standards du Web, W3C, HTML, CSS3 (in French)
- ITexpresso (7 April): Le W3C se penche sur l’avenir de la TV connectée, W3C, Web and TV, François Daoust (in French)
- Cordis News (7 April): W3C Issues Report on Web and Television Convergence, W3C, Web and TV, François Daoust
- Silicon.fr (7 April): Le W3C pousse le Web dans la télévision, Christophe Lagane, W3C, Web and TV, François Daoust (in French)
- ITR Manager (6 April): Le W3C publie un rapport sur la convergence du Web et de la télévision, W3C, Web and TV, François Daoust (in French)
- Tietokone (5 April ): W3C-pomo: Televisio on iso haaste webille, Ari Karkimo, W3C, Web and TV, Jeff Jaffe (in Finnish)
- Practical Ecommerce (5 April): What Makes HTML5 Special, Armando Roggio, W3C, HTML5
- InvestinCotedAzur (4 April): W3C issues report on Web and Television Convergence, W3C, Web and TV, François Daoust
- InvestinCotedAzur (4 April): W3C Publie un rapport sur la Convergence du Web et de la Télévision, W3C, Web and TV, François Daoust (in French)
- Silicon.fr (3 April): Focus : HTML5 et CSS3, chronique d’une révolution annoncée, David Feuguey, W3C, HTML5, CSS3, RIA (in French)
March 2011
- InternetNews (30 March): W3C Investigates Convergence of Web and TV, Sean Michael Kerner, W3C, Web and TV, HTTP, SVG, WOFF, CSS3, Mobile Web Best Practices
- Alburquerque Express (30 March): W3C investigates Convergence of Web and TV, W3C, Web and TV
- ReadWriteWeb (28 March): W3C: Internet TV Needs Standards, Mike Melanson, W3C, Web and TV, Open Web Platform, François Daoust
- New York Times (26 March):In a New Web World, No Application Is an Island, Steve Lohr, W3C, HTML5, Tim Berners-Lee, Jeff Jaffe
- PcInpact (17 March): Opera 11.10 bêta : Speed Dial, HTML5, WOFF et Flash, W3C, HTML5, WOFF
- InfoWorld (17 March): Good-bye Google Gears, hello HTML5, Neil McAllister, W3C, HTML5
- CNet (14 March): New CEO wants faster, more relevant W3C (Q&A), Stephen Shankland, W3C, HTML5
- Clubic (10 March): Adobe : un standard CSS pour les magazines en ligne, Guillaume Belfiore, W3C, CSS3
- EcontentMag (10 March): HTML5: Options and Opportunities, Lin Grensing Pophal, W3C, HTML5
- StreamingMedia.com (10 March): Navigating HTML5 Video, Michael Dale, W3C, HTML5, CSS3, Video
- CMSWire (8 March): Adobe Wallaby Converts Flash into HTML 5, Bringing Flash to iPhone, iPad, J. Angelo Racoma, W3C, HTML5
- ITespresso (8 March): L’outil Adobe Wallaby transforme le Flash en HTML5, Anne Confolant, W3C, HTML5 (in French)
- CNet (3 March): Zynga, Disney embrace Web game technology, Stephen Shankland, W3C, HTML5, CSS3, SVG
- CMSWire (1 March): W3C Announces Web-Sized List of 2011 Priorities, Josette Rigsby, W3C, HTML5, CSS3
February 2011
- InfoWorld (28 February): HTML5 sullied by false claims and misperceptions, Paul Krill, W3C, HTML5
- InfoWorld – JavaWorld (23 February): What’s still missing in the HTML5 spec, Paul Krill, W3C, HTML5, CSS3, Video
- GoMoNews (23 February): HTML5 made easy: what it is and what it means for mobile, Cian O’Sullivan, W3C, HTML5
- InfoTech (22 February): HTML5 will be available by 2014: W3C, Rajani Baburajan, W3C, HTML5
- CAP&Design (22 February) : Så fixar du bättre webbtypografi (This is how you get better style on the web), Per Torberger, W3C, CSS, WOFF, SVG, Tim Berners-Lee (in Swedish)
- LaDirectionInformatique (17 February): Le standard HTML5 sera prêt en 2014 selon le W3C, Jean Elyan, W3C, HTML5, CSS3, SVG (in French)
- eWeek.com (16 February): W3C: HTML Spec Due in 2014, Darryl K. Taft, W3C, HTML5, CSS3, SVG, WOFF, Web on TV
- NouvelObs.com (15 February): Le standard HTML5 sera finalisé en 2014, W3C, HTML5 (in French)
- PCMag (15 February): HTML 5 on The Road to Standardization, Michael J. Miller, W3C, HTML5, CSS, SVG, Video
- Silicon.fr (15 February): HTML5 : dernière ligne droite avant sa finalisation prévue en 2014, David Feugey, W3C, HTML5 (in French)
- LeMondeInformatique (15 February): Le standard HTML5 sera prêt en 2014 selon le W3C, Jean Elyan, W3C, HTML5, CSS3, SVG (in French)
- 01NetPro (15 February): HTML5 en version finale pour 2014, Pierre Tran, W3C, HTML5 (in French)
- JournalduNet (15 February): Le W3C se fixe l’échéance de 2014 pour finaliser HTML5, Antoine Crochet-Damais,W3C, HTML5 (in French)
- Numerama (15 February): Le standard HTML5 sera finalisé en 2014, Julien L., W3C, HTML5, CSS3, video (in French)
- ComputerWorld (14 February): W3C: HTML5 will be finished in 2014, Joab Jackson, W3C, HTML5, CSS3, SVG
- PCMag.com Blogs (15 February): HTML 5 on The Road to Standardization, Michael J. Miller, W3C, HTML5, CSS, Jeff Jaffe, Tim Berners-Lee
- Webmonkey | Wired.com (14 February): HTML5 Will Be Done in 2014, What Comes Next?, Scott Gilbertson, HTML5, W3C, Ian Jacobs, HTML, Philippe Le Hégaret, Geolocation API, Web Workers API
- Digital Trends (14 February): HTML5 to be complete in 2014, Geoff Duncan, W3C, HTML5
- SD Times (14 February): W3C shoots for 2014 delivery of HTML5 standard, David Rubinstein, W3C, HTML5, Linked Data, Semantic Web, SVG, CSS, Philippe Le Hégaret, , Ian Jacobs
- CNET (14 February): HTML5 spec set for 2014 completion, Stephen Shankland, W3C, HTML5, Geolocation
- PCWorld (14 February): W3C: HTML5 will be finished in 2014, Joab Jackson, W3C, HTML5, CSS, SVG, Ian Jacobs, Philippe Le Hégaret
- IDG (CapDesign) (14 February): HTML5 klart om tre år, Lars Danielsson, W3C, HTML5 (in Swedish)
- IDG (ComputerSweden) (14 February): HTML5 – äntligen färdigt 2014, Joel Westerholm, W3C, HTML5 (in Swedish)
- BusinessMobile.fr – ZDNet (14 February): MWC 2011 – Le Wholesale Applications Community prend forme et mise sur les Web Apps, Olivier Chicheportiche, W3C, HTML5 (in French)
- ConceivablyTech (14 February): HTML5 Not Finalized Until 2014, Daniel Bailey, W3C, HTML5
- Clubic (14 February): Widget W3C : du smartphone à la TV connectée, Guillaume Belfiore, W3C, HTML5, CSS3 (in French)
- CIO (14 February): W3C: HTML5 Will Be Finished in 2014, Joab Jackson, W3C, HTML5, CSS, SVG, Ian Jacobs
- The Register (14 February): HTML5 kicked into 2010, Gavin Glarke, W3C, HTML5, CSS3, SVG, WOFF, Jeff Jaffe
- RedmondMag (10 February): IE 9 Release Candidate Now Available, W3C, HTML5, CSS3, Geolocation, Canvas
- InfoWorld (9 February): HTML5 in the browser: HTML5 data communications, Peter Wayner, W3C, HTML5, Web sockets
- CSS Guru (8 February): W3C Launches Web and TV Interest Group, W3C, Web and TV Interest Group
- CNet (2 February): Microsoft tries undoing Chrome’s H.264 omission, Stephen Shankland, W3C, HTML5, Video
- O’ReillyRadar (1 February): Can Flash and HTML5 get along?, James Turner, W3C, HTML5
January 2011
- InfoWorld – JavaWorld (27 January): HTML: The standard that failed?, Neil McAllister, W3C, HTML5, Video
- AppleInsider (26 January): Apple revamps its public website using HTML5, Daniel Eran Gilder, W3C, HTML5, CSS3, WOFF, SVG
- JournalduNet (25 January): Le WhatWG veut imposer sa vision de HTLM 5 au W3C, Antoine Crochet-Damais,W3C, HTML5 (in French)
- Développez.com (24 January): Le W3C regrette la confusion engendrée par le logo du HTML5, confusion qui pourrait être accentuée par un projet du WHATWG, Hinault Romaric, W3C, HTML5 (in French)
- InformationWeek (22 January): HTML5 is Dead, Long Live HTML, Thomas Claburn, W3C, HTML5, CSS3
- JournalduNet (19 January): Un logo pour les sites basés sur HTML5, Antoine Crochet-Damais,W3C, HTML5, CSS3, WOFF, SVG (in French)
- Ecrans (19 January): “Je suis toujours inquiet pour le Web”, Christophe Alix, W3C, HTML5, Tim Berners-Lee (in French)
- Wort.lu (19 January): Markiges Logo für neuen Webstandard HTML5, W3C, HTML5 (in German)
- The Inquirer (18 January): HTML5 has a logo, David Neal, W3C, HTML5, CSS3, WOFF, SVG
- Webmonkey (18 January): HTML5 Gains Logo, Loses Meaning, Scott Gilbertson, W3C, HTML5, CSS3, WOFF, SVG
- TechCrunch (18 January): Behold the brand new HTML5 logo, Robin Wauters, W3C, HTML5, CSS3, WOFF, SVG
- CNet (18 January): W3C’s new logo promotes HTML5 and more, Stephen Shankland, W3C, HTML5, CSS3, WOFF, SVG
- 01Net (18 January): Le standard HTML5 a désormais son logo, Guillaume Deleurence, W3C, HTML5, CSS3, SVG, WOFF (in French)
- ZDNet (14 January): Google removing H.264 from Chrome does nothing to HTML5, , J. Vaughan-Nichols, W3C, HTML5, Video
- Clubic.com (12 January): Codec vidéo : Chrome abandonnera le H.264, Guillaume Belfiore, W3C, HTML5, Video (in French)
- Webmonkey (10 January): Join the Early Adopters and Help Make HTML5 Better for Everyone, Scott Gilbertson, W3C, HTML5, CSS3*
- Guardian – Technology Blog (4 January): Internet Explorer falls behind Firefox in Europe for first time, Charles Arthur, W3C, HTML5, CSS3
- InfoWorld (4 January): Where mobile technology is heading, from 2011 to 2020, Galen Bruman, W3C, HTML5
- InfoWorld – JavaWorld (3 January): HTML5 Geolocation API: Your Browser Knows Where You Are, Dustin Marx, W3C, HTML5, Geolocation API
What Is HTML 5?