Web and TV – W3C workshop in Berlin
November 25, 2010As part of a series of workshop to bring the Web community, the television industry and other producers of consumer electronics together, the OMWeb Team is proud to announce the Second W3C Web and TV Workshop, hosted by Fraunhofer-FOKUS in Berlin, Germany, on 8-9 February 2011.
Participants in this workshop will share insights on:
- State of the Art, e.g. the role of Web-based approaches for nomadic user interfaces
- HTML5 and TV, e.g. the advantages of supporting HTML5 such as its rich feature set, global language support, or support of broadcast video using the <video> element.
- Standardization Needs, e.g. the requirements for extensions to existing standards to improve support of broadcasting on various non-PC devices
- Accessibility, e.g. the value provided by Web technologies for TV accessibility
- Hot Topics such as the integration of P2P and the Web for TV content distribution, support for “second screen” scenarios, or the role of DRM and micro-payment for Web and TV.
The Call for Papers details the topics of interest and provides useful information on participation and Position Papers submission. Deadline for Position Papers is 7 January 2011, but an expression of interest is encouraged as soon as possible to help organizers plan the workshop.
This second workshop is a follow-up of the first one held in Japan in September 2010. It will serve to continue the discussions (see summary of the workshop, minutes, the workshop agenda (including talk slides) and the position papers submitted). A W3C Interest Group on “Web and TV” is currently being created (see draft charter), and the results of the second workshop will be fed into the work of this interest group.